Join us at our first Summer Fête on Saturday 2nd July 1:00-4:00pm. This is sure to be another wonderful event hosted by our PTA, please support us on the day by bringing your friends and family.
Mufti Days
The classes and PTA will have various stalls at the event to fund-raise for our school, to help us raise that money we require prizes. We are holding two mufti days when your child is invited to wear non-uniform to school in exchange for a donation of the following items:
Monday 27th June - Bottle donations (It could be a bottle of wine, shower gel, beer, salad dressing, hot chilli sauce, shampoo, cordial, gin, ketchup, bubble bath, sparkling fruit juice, hand soap or anything else in a bottle.)
Thursday 30th June - Donations of sweets (we cannot accept chocolate donations)
If your child has PE on the mufti days please ensure they are wearing something that they can comfortably and safely run around in. If they have Forest School the usual kit rules apply but instead of a school uniform your child is welcome to wear their non-uniform when they are not attending a Forest School session. If you have any queries please see your child's class teacher.
Book Donations
We are also hoping to have a secondhand book stall so if you or anyone you know has any children's, young adult's or adult's books, fiction or non-fiction books in a good condition please bring them into school for us to sell.
Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.