Non-Uniform Days
The Monksmoor Park PTA are hosting our Summer Fair. The fundraising event of the summer takes place on Saturday 1st July from 12:00-2:00 p.m.
To ensure the event raises as much money as possible to enhance our school environment and the learning of all our children we need your help please.
The PTA need prizes for stalls, so we are holding two non-uniform days on Friday 16th and Friday 23rd June. All children (and adults) are welcome to attend school in non-uniform for a small donation of sweets on 16th June and a bottle donation on 23rd June. Due to the warm summer weather please donate sweets and not chocolate items.
There will be collection stations available at all school entrances on the mornings of the 16th and the 23rd June.
We need people like you!
We need lots of different people to fill a variety of roles to help the event be a success.
If you would like to help behind the scenes in the days leading up to the event or on the 1st July please contact Claire by email:
Your help would be most welcome!
Class Hamper Raffle
We are also honouring our creative tradition of having a hamper raffle at the Fair. Over the next few weeks each class will create a picnic hamper that we hope you will want to win! Please see the poster below for more information on how you can help your child's class. All donations can be delivered directly to your child's class until Monday 26th June.
Thank you in advance for your support!