Picture the scene: your child comes out of school and the teacher says they’ve behaved like the perfect child all day, but the moment you get home they have a complete meltdown. Your child screams, shouts, lashes out, sulks or generally acts in an unruly manner.
If that scene is familiar to you, you’re not alone. This type of behaviour is what some psychologists refer to as ‘after-school restraint collapse’ and it’s not unusual. It happens because your child has been busy managing their emotions all day as they navigate the complexities of school life.
When they get home, that’s their safe space to let it all out!
So, now you know what it is, what can you actually do about it? Parents’ Toolkit has been speaking to educational and child psychologist Dr Anisa-Ree Moses, for some tips on how to handle these outbursts of emotions after-school.
Click the link at the too of this section to be taken to the BBC Parents' Toolkit webpages where you will find five tips and more parenting information.
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