We have continued to work hard in Dragonflies Class. In Reading, we have continued making great progress with our Reading Plus programme. We have had the opportunity to use this programme as Monksmoor is part of the EEF's trial, which is assessing the effectiveness of the system. As part of the study, a researcher from Manchester University visited us to observe how it is used and to gather feedback from staff and pupils. She was extremely complimentary about our class's manners and how well they articulated both the benefits and areas for improvement. It is always a pleasure when teaching other subjects to hear, “Oh, I read about this on Reading Plus!” Encouraging a love of reading, in all formats and across different platforms, is a vital part of primary education. So far, we feel this programme has had a significant impact on our class's reading habits.
Our vehicle text for writing has been the graphic novel version of The Hound of the Baskervilles. The children used this as a stimulus, along with an example text, to write their own suspense-filled, cliff-hanger event within a detective story. By using powerful verbs and show, not tell sentences, they created an atmosphere of tension that was truly felt when they read their stories aloud. They were incredibly enthusiastic about sharing their writing with the class. We are now moving on to writing a formal report and have been examining the features of formality within their writing.
In PE, we have continued to benefit from our weekly sessions with the Saints, focusing on the values needed for effective teamwork and considering how these skills transfer to other areas of the curriculum. In our other PE lessons, we have been working on rolls, asymmetric and symmetric balances, shapes, and different ways of travelling—all while cooperating with partners.
In IT, we have introduced basic databases and how to search for information using specific questions. One of the databases focused on the passengers of the Titanic, which sparked great curiosity among the children, leading us to explore what happened in more detail. The children were able to select appropriate data effectively, developing their skills in retrieving and interpreting information.