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School Admissions

This page is specifically about school admissions, for more information about our Nursery please click here. 

School Age

In West Northamptonshire, children are eligible to start school (reception year) in the September following their 4th birthday. 

When and How to Apply

Applications must be made via your local authority. If you are local to our school, this can be done on the West Northamptonshire Council website.  The application deadline was Wednesday 15th January 2025.  Please see note below regarding late applications:

Late applications are any application forms (known as Common Application Forms (CAFs)/Preference Forms) received by the local authority after its deadline.  Late applicants will not receive an offer of a school place by the local authority on offer day but their application will be processed in the next round of allocations (for details of when these are – refer to the local authority’s composite prospectus).

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, please refer to the West Northamptonshire Council website.

Preparing to Apply for Primary School

West Northamptonshire Council has produced a list of key dates on their website for your use.  In summary, they advise parents and carers to prepare and apply before 15th January 2025, using the application window time to:

Deciding Which Primary Schools to Apply for

We understand this is an important decision and are happy to answer any questions you may have about our school, these are best directed to our school office.

A thorough list of considerations you may wish to make and helpful advice is available on the West Northamptonshire Council website.

You will be asked to select three preferences on your school application, more information about why you should provide three and how they are applied is available on the West Northamptonshire Council website.

Deadline for Applying

Applications for a Primary School place must be made by 15th January 2025, via the West Northamptonshire Council website.

Supplementary Information Form for Monksmoor Park CE Primary School

In regard to applications for a place:

If parents/carers wish their application to be considered in criterion 4, they must complete form SIF/A which is available from the School and return it to the School (not the local authority). This must be completed by the deadline of 5pm on 14 January 2023. The School will submit the completed form SIF/A to the relevant minister with form SIF/B to verify the information. As SIF/B needs to be returned to the School in time for the School to rank admissions, it is very important to submit form SIF/A to the School as soon as possible.

More information is available in the relevant admissions policy which can be found below.

Offers of a School Place

Offers of a school place will be confirmed on 16th April 2025 by West Northamptonshire Council through the following methods:

  • Offer emails sent or view your offer online (online applicants only).
  • Offer letters posted only to those that applied using a paper application form (by the closing date).



For information on how to appeal, please refer to the relevant admissions policy below.

If a parent/carer is refused a place at the School, they have the right to appeal against the decision to an independent Admission Appeals Panel.

The Governing Body of a Voluntary Aided School is the Admission Authority for the school and is therefore responsible for all admissions.  If a year group is oversubscribed – that is, there are more applications than places available – the governing body will apply the admissions criteria from the Admissions Policy, allocating places up to their Published Admission Number. Parents/guardians of those refused places are then entitled to appeal against the Governing Body’s decision.

We use the Diocesan Appeals Service for admissions appeals and all appeals will take place on Zoom.

Please visit for further details, or contact the Diocese of Peterborough Education Team Executive Administrator by email on or 01604 887060.



Waiting list

All parents/carers who are unsuccessful at gaining a place for their child at the School may wish to place their child’s name on the waiting list.  To do so, parents/carers must contact West Northamptonshire Council and request that their child’s name is placed on the waiting list.

If a place becomes available at the School, it will be allocated according to the oversubscription criteria in the relevant admissions policy, not on a first come, first served basis.

A child’s name will remain on the waiting list until the end of the school term in which the application was made.  If parents/carers wish their child’s name to stay on the waiting list for the remainder of the academic year, they must email/write to West Northamptonshire Council at the beginning of each term to renew their interest, i.e. by 31st December and/or 31st March.  Please note a new application form will have to be completed if parents/carers want their child’s name to remain on the waiting list in the following academic year.

Please note – placing a child’s name on the waiting list does not affect parents’/carers’ right to appeal.

Virtual Visit and open mornings

We have produced a video tour, this has been complimented with videos and photos of our children in action. We hope it gives you a good feel of Monksmoor Park and what we have to offer your child.

Virtual Tour of Monksmoor Park CE Primary School 

During the school application period we offered opportunities to visit our school on a small group tour with the Headteacher.  Tours were by appointment only and subject to availability.  Our tours were held throughout October and early November 2024. 

We were delighted to meet lots of families at our School Tours in October and November 2024, if you were unable to attend we hope the video tour above will be useful when considering Monksmoor Park CE Primary School.