Remote Learning
At times of extended absence or school closure remote learning may be implemented.
Remote learning is not suitable for those children absent from school due to illness. Exceptional circumstances may apply.
Our school aims to provide high quality learning opportunities for all our pupils including in the event of a school closure or when a pupil is required to stay at home due to self-isolation. More information about the facilities we use can be found on this area of our website.
We have a Remote Learning Policy which was written following consultation with our staff and governors, the policy document can be found below.
Microsoft Teams
During self-isolation or a closure, our aim is to make your child’s learning experience at home as close to normal as possible. We use the digital learning platform Microsoft Teams, a purpose-built technology ideal for remote learning. Teachers can communicate directly with pupils, set individualised tasks, let pupils work together, and easily give personalised feedback.
We, of course, cannot replicate a full day of school at home but the Government have made it clear that all primary schools are to provide a minimum of 3 hours of core learning each day which can be a mixture of resources, worksheets, activities and videos/games. There is no requirement to provide ‘live’ learning but we feel this is beneficial for all children, particularly those at home.
Every pupil at Monksmoor Park has a unique login for Microsoft Teams which allows access to their class team and also the whole school team for whole school assemblies.
Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) & Numbots
Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots are carefully sequenced programmes of daily times tables number bond practise. It is essential children acquire rapid recall of these number facts to support their fluency and progress in maths. This fun game allows children to practise at their own level and the system will automatically move them on once they have mastered a level.
Access to both TTRS and Numbots is via a web browser, and they can be used on a computer or mobile device.
Times Table Rock Stars login page:
Numbots login page:
Spelling Shed
The Spelling Shed helps children to practise spelling via a simple game. The game gives four different degrees of support in the form of difficulty modes; Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme. Higher levels allow a higher score to be achieved, but children can practise as much as they like on lower levels before trying to gain high scores. Assignments will be set by your child’s class teacher and will give them an opportunity to practise spelling rules previously taught at school.
- To access spelling shed at home, please use the QR previously sent home. There is also an APP available in the app store for £2.99, but it is not necessary to purchase the APP as access can be gained via a web browser.
- The game has been developed to be ‘dyslexia friendly’ using the ‘Open Dyslexic’ font and has three levels of difficulty to support pupils of all abilities through the spelling lists with appropriate degrees of challenge.
Tutor Bot
Tutor Bot is a free resource containing free online maths games where children can practice their mathematics skills. It features over 100 different customisable games which children will find to be a fun and new way to improve their mathematics fluency, accuracy and speed.
Please note, links to external websites have been checked however Monksmoor Park CE Primary School accepts no responsibility for the content of external websites, or for any ongoing links that they may offer.