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Mr John Tippett
Chair - Foundation Governor
I have been a governor at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School for almost 4 years. As a Foundation Governor I have recently become Chair of Governors.
Mr Nigel Woodcock
Vice Chair - Foundation Governor
I have spent many years as a Governor and Chair of Governors at different schools and previously have been a Trustee of a Multi-Academy Trust. I joined Monksmoor Park CE Primary School during lockdown in 2020.
Mrs Marion Strange
Foundation Governor
I am a retired primary school teacher with over twenty years of experience serving as a Governor in several different Church schools.
Dr Artwell Chimanga
Foundation Governor
It is a privilege to be one of the Foundation Governors at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School. As a father of two, I’m keen to support the school's team through the perspective of a parent.
Mr Samuel Shoyinka
Parent Governor
With a background in IT, mostly from financial institutions and a few educational sectors, I am delighted to support the team at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School in all required capacities as a Parent Governor.
Mrs Lynne Taylor
LA Governor
My lifelong professional interest in the education and care of children and young people led me to become a Governor of Monksmoor Park CE Primary School.
Mrs Katie Thurston
Foundation Governor
Mr Steve Gatehouse
Staff Governor, KS2 Lead, Class Teacher, IT Lead
Mrs Katie Towers