Year 3 - Athletics Skills
This week in Year 3 the children have started to look at light. They have thought about why it is dangerous to look at the Sun, what an absence of light is and have also taken readings of the amount of light in different environments.
In maths we have started our topic on mass and the children have been exploring different measurement scales. We have just finished our lessons on Theseus and the Minotaur and by the end of the week will have finished our independent write.
In DT the children have completed an evaluation on the different cams that they have made. The children explored the effect of changing the shape of the cam in their models. Learners also made predictions about the motion that the cam would create and then tested them in the models.
In art and design we explored the method of creating a pinch pot out of clay. In RE the children have been looking at pictures of the Pentecost and have been identifying Christian symbols.
And finally, in the athletics PE unit we have been looking at the skills of sprinting, leaping, jumping, hopping, as well as how to use a relay baton. It sounds like Year 3 are already getting ready for our Sports Day races!