Year 3 - Boxes and Mosaics
In PSHE we were reflecting on 'No one wants to live in a box! We are all different and we all have different interests and talents. Being HeartSmart means not putting people in boxes and involves taking the time to get to know them, find out what they like, celebrate the things that unite us and also the things that are different.' We read about different people and drew how we felt this person would look. Our learning was to recognise and challenge stereotypes.
We have been learning about Mosaics and during the last two weeks we made our Mosaics! Having spent time learning about different styles and exploring different samples, we designed our patterns on paper and moved to making them. During the planning and first step of making, we combined our Maths thinking and creative skills. The grouting was done in the last week of term, it was a little messy but we enjoyed it all coming together. We are looking forward to sharing our Mosaics before we break up for a well-earned Easter break.