Year 4 - Actors, Angles and Anglo-Saxons
What a busy two weeks we have had in Year 4. In maths we have been looking at 2-D shapes and learning the difference between regular and irregular quadrilaterals and polygons. We have applied our understanding of the properties of these shapes to sort and organise them and then looked at the symmetry of shapes to find lines of reflection. In addition to this we have named different types of angle and thought about their use to describe movement both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
In English we have started to look at playscripts and the features that allow actors to know what to say and how it should be said. In topic we used Chromebooks to look at the religious beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons and then build interactive quizzes for our friends to try and see how the Picts and Pope of Rome persuaded them to look to Christianity. Also in topic we have seen how the Vikings began to invade Briton and the reasons behind it.
Finally, in PE we have looking at the skills involved in the game of rounders and in science we have started to build our understanding of the human body and how we eat and digest food.