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Mrs Lynne Taylor
LA Governor
My lifelong professional interest in the education and care of children and young people led me to become a Governor of Monksmoor Park CE Primary School.
I came to Daventry in the 1970s after marrying a local man. Our two daughters attended local schools and our family now includes five grandchildren.
I opened the first Day Nursery in Daventry after running a preschool for 7 years. I retired 12 years ago but still very active in our community as a town councillor for the past 18 years, a Trustee of Daventry Volunteer Centre and a director of NCALC, a Northamptonshire organisation which advises and looks after the interests of all parish and town councils in the county.
My lifelong professional interest in the education and care of children and young people led me to become a Governor of Monksmoor Park CE Primary School.