Forest School - Log Dogs, Eagle Eyes and much more
The children are really enjoying the fact that spring has well and truly sprung in Forest School! The increased vegetation makes it possible to play the much-loved games of 'Hide and Seek' or 'Eagle Eyes' and there are so many minibeasts to find. Some of the children have enjoyed using identification charts to discover the different species of slugs and snails on our site. Who knew there was a ghost slug?!
Reception are really enjoying hunting for slugs, snails and minibeasts in their Forest School sessions. They love sharing the knowledge they are learning in the classroom about species names, facts and the three part body that insects have. Great recall Hedgehogs!
Year 4 have been using peelers to whittle sticks into wands. There was a good level of skill in evidence as some of them were able to create quite a point to their wand before they decorated them. The next step will be some knife work.
Year 5 have had the opportunity to make some 'log dogs'. By attaching a lead using a timber hitch knot we hope that some of the younger children will enjoy taking them for a walk to explore Forest School in their sessions. The children were also able to plant sweet peas at the base of a cane wigwam which we hope will become a beautifully scented living den (if we can keep the slugs away!).