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Keeping Children Safe

"Everyone and everything gets looked after here and that makes me feel safe." 
Pupil comment to Ofsted Inspectors, March 2023


Safeguarding in a Primary School is much more than compliance with statutory documents.  It is about embedding a culture across the whole school that is steeped in the understanding that children are only ready to learn when they feel safe. 

It is about accepting and expecting that ‘It can happen here’ and being knowledgeable about the signs and indicators of when things go wrong. 

It is about knowing that abuse doesn’t only come from adults and that we have a responsibility to ensure our curriculum educates our children to keep themselves safe and know what to do if they are worried or in need.

It is about creating a culture where every member of the community speaks up to keep children safe.


Useful links


Early Intervention service

"The Early Intervention service offers support for children, young people and their families and aim to prevent the need for longer term and more costly and complex intervention. Within the team we have specialisms such as prevention and education around knife crime and exploitation and we support families affected by domestic abuse."  Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

For more information on the service please see the document below.