Nursery - Bug Hunters
This week the children in Nursery have been inspired by the story 'Dear Zoo' and have learned about how to care for different animals. They were delighted to find some beetles and spiders outside and took great care in making sure they were left alone to enjoy their habitat.
Duggee went for a trip to the zoo on the Bank Holiday weekend, and he learned about the animals there. We made Duggee a Monksmoor Park 'We love animals' badge. Mrs Reeve is going to help Duggee tell the children all about his trip next week at Nursery.
This term our focused theme has been Animal Safari. To support the children's learning on this, we have three visits we look forward to:
Wednesday 11th May - visit by Luna the dog
Wednesday 18th May - visit by Tilly & Tommy the tortoises
Wednesday 25th May - visit by Mavis, Mary, Katniss & Lois the guinea pigs
These visits have been risk-assessed and will be part of the children's normal Nursery session. If you have any questions please ask one of us and we will help as best we can.