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Mr John Tippett

Chair - Foundation Governor

I have been a governor at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School for almost 4 years. As a Foundation Governor I have recently become Chair of Governors.

I have been a Governor at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School for almost 4 years. As a Foundation Governor I have recently become Chair of Governors. With a financial background I currently run my own card payments business. I run and organise the newly formed West Northants Business Forum as well as a networking business. Having been a Daventry resident for 28 years I am father to three grown up children and Grandad to six young children. I am also an active member of Daventry Rotary and a Town Councillor. For fun, I follow Rugby Union, my team is Gloucester R.F.C. where I used to play and to add adrenaline I enjoy many aspects of four wheel motor racing.